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    #1 21-12-2006 20:15:18

    Amateur de poils
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
    Messages: 2,916
    Site Web

    Une bonne nouvelle!!!

    Ilford va réintroduire la SFX 200, ce film proche de l'infrarouge qui avait été arreté au moment des problèmes financiers de la marque.

    Voici le communiqué de Simon Galley sur le forum de l'apug :

    "Dear All,

    I promised to update APUG on the progress of this project before breaking for the Christmas Holidays. As you may recall we announced that is was our intention to bring back this product in 35mm only and coat in Q3 or Q4 2006. Well obviously we are about to exit Q4, why the delay ?

    Well we have delayed because it is our intention to return both 35mm AND 120 SFX to the range and also to make available the SFX filter once again. I have to say one of the main reasons for the return of 120 was from feedback received from the APUG community.

    I can report that the emulsion make has been completed successfully and that coating for both products is scheduled for Tuesday 16th January 2007, does that mean its available ? NO IT MOST CERTAINLY DOES NOT, it must go through stringent quality processes, and if it fails those quality control measures at any stage, then it will be destroyed, and a further coating will then have to be rescheduled for a later date.

    The manufacturing, ageing and testing process itself means we will not have a go / no go for finishing into cassettes and rolls before the end of January, as soon as I have that information I will make sure the APUG community know the status the same day I do.

    If it all goes to plan we should expect to see ILFORD Photo / HARMAN technology SFX back in retail outlets by the end of March 2007, perhaps a little later for markets such as Australia, New Zealand and Latin America.

    So please do not ask your resellers for this product before they know the re-launch dates and plans and until I tell you its a go. As we have always planned we will make enough product to last 12 months, and then review if we coat this product annually.

    Simon ILFORD Photo / HARMAN technology Limited"

    "Ne te lance dans un projet que si celui-ci est particulièrement important et presque irréalisable". (Edwin Land)
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