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#1 11-07-2007 08:52:01
Enquete menée par kodak
Voici les résultats d'une enquete menée par Kodak, relative à l'utilisation du film.
"Kodak: Most photographers prefer film
Monday 9th July 2007
Chris Cheesman
Most photographers still prefer using film according to a survey of professionals across Europe conducted by Kodak, which has stated its commitment to film provision.
'Far from fading into the history books film capture has a massive fan base and the future looks rosy,' said a spokesman for Kodak UK.
More than two-thirds (67%) of those questioned said that they intend to continue to use film capture.
Over half of respondents (55%) said they prefer the results that film capture provides, compared to digital.
And 19% admitted that they choose film cameras for more than 60% of their work.
Reasons photographers cited for preferring film included the 'ability to capture incredible detail', achieving a 'traditional photographic look' and capturing 'shadow detail'.
Kodak's general manager of Film Capture in Europe Oreste Maspes said: 'Kodak is committed to providing professional photographers with the best tools for the job, and it is clear that this includes film, and will continue to do so.'
Commenting on the findings a Kodak spokesman added: 'It is clear that while digital has introduced new benefits for professional photographers there will always be images best captured on film.
According to the survey these benefits include black and white images.
The research revealed that the majority (80%) of photographers produce black and white images and, to capture these, almost half (45%) prefer to use film.'
Almost 3,000 photographers across Europe took part in the survey. "
SOurce: … 28432.html
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