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    #1 17-09-2008 05:06:34

    Admin Fondateur
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
    Messages: 1,374
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    Canon 5D markII

    ayé, c'est officiel … spx?i=3409 … markII.asp

    Boitier magnésium (il semblerai qu'il y ait une tropicalisation)
    21M, 100-6400 iso, extension a 50-25600
    live view
    video fullHD1920x1080 30i/s
    nettoyage capteur,
    possibilité de plusieurs tailles de raw 21/10/5M
    deux mode silencieux

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    #2 17-09-2008 07:36:18

    de nouveau connecté !!
    Lieu:Du coté de Boisseuil
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    ayé faut qu'ils mettent de la vidéo partout !!! roll

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    #3 18-09-2008 11:53:09

    de nouveau connecté !!
    Lieu:Du coté de Boisseuil
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    bon ceci dit, la gestion des hauts zizos a pas l'air dégueu... voir ex ci dessous pris à 6400 isos :

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    #4 22-09-2008 19:59:42

    Admin Fondateur
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    Quelques captures de vidéos... … -industry/
    en attendant la video complete si Canon les y autorise.

    citations :
    - I shot one still with a 400mm 2.8 of a silhouette of a woman…. a beautiful woman - a model - and you could literally count the hairs on her face in a full head profile… at 3200 ASA -with close to ZERO noise… this camera is STUNNING - I’m not throwing around expletives needlessly here…
    -All stills were shot between 1600 ASA and 3200 ASA… you are not seeing stills here… you’re seeing frame grabs off of video…

    ok, on est dans le marketing à fond mais bon ...

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    #5 23-09-2008 04:59:57

    de nouveau connecté !!
    Lieu:Du coté de Boisseuil
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
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    Re: Canon 5D markII


    gaffe t'es en train de craquer !! lol

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    #6 23-09-2008 10:28:00

    Admin Fondateur
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    vidéo brute, non retraitée, 1/4 de la résolution ... … cleID=2086

    comment dire ...

    on peut se rassurer, le gars n'a eu accès qu'a un modele de préprod, pendant 72h ...
    il a juste eu le temps de faire ça

    pfff, j'suis vert sad

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    #7 23-09-2008 15:35:34

    Membre actif
    Date d'inscription::17-05-2007
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    Good shooting! Well, er... if you go that way you'll ssoon start directing and forget shooting snapshots man

    rien ne bouge     que quelques grains de lumière     roulant au bord d'une paupière                   
    "Le bonjour et l'adieu"     Pierre-Albert Jourdan

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    #8 23-09-2008 16:35:26

    Admin Fondateur
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    a propos de la vidéo...

    The problem was: I had no idea what to shoot.  The weather forecast for the weekend was poor.  It was Friday afternoon and I had a job that night - as well as on the Wednesday of the following week - and I had to get the camera shipped out on Monday…

    Not to mention:  I have never shot a film before - of any kind - in my life.  (Other than 2 videos that I have cut of my son in the past 4 years of his life…)

    My mind was racing, I was sweating and my heart was pounding.  I was like a kid in a candy store unable to make up his mind on what treat to choose…

    In the end - this video was shot with less than 12 hours of pre-production - from the time I got the camera to the time we shouted “Action.”

    The budget I set for myself was around $5,000 total - which included $2,000 for a one hour helicopter flight over the city.   The short film was shot over two nights - from 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. - with two models, three assistants, a co-director, one editor, and one makeup artist.  Both video and still imagery.  Along with behind the scenes footage. 

    Oh - and did I mention we only had ONE battery?  (We had to plan on constantly re-charging that one battery throughout the shoot…)

    It was shot with 100% still photography equipment (lenses, grip/mounts, and a single Profoto 7b battery strobe pack (the strobe wasn’t used - just the modeling light))- with the exception of an expensive video tripod and head, and an LED light…

    If you can’t see how this can all be done in such a short period of time, with zero pre-production, not a single filming or location permit, and on such a small budget - you are missing one of the main reasons this camera is a “Game Changer.”

    This camera is the ultimate “equalizer” - you no longer need half-million dollar’s worth of high definition video cameras and lenses delivered by a truck with its own driver to shoot a high definition film in low light - you just need a $2,700 camera and a few lenses - and talented and dedicated friends that you can call on last minute at the drop of a hat.

    Everyone has been waiting for the video camera that can also take stills… here’s a still camera that can shoot stunning video.

    This is a leap of change that is sped up - it’s happening overnight.

    The video or “short film” or whatever you want to call it - will be up as soon as humanly possible (in this case it’s technologically actually - not humanly.)  More details to come…. we’re also putting the finishing touches on a behind the scenes video that shows just exactly how this was done…

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    #9 28-09-2008 16:41:29

    Admin Fondateur
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    Quelques échantillons à 1600, 2000 et 3200 iso
    jpg bruts de l'appareil ... … cleID=2128

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    #10 28-09-2008 17:22:00

    de nouveau connecté !!
    Lieu:Du coté de Boisseuil
    Date d'inscription::09-06-2006
    Messages: 8,877
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    tu te fais du mal là... roll

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    #11 28-09-2008 18:12:49

    Membre actif
    Date d'inscription::17-05-2007
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    Re: Canon 5D markII

    A Noel on va lui payer une petite caméra pas plus grosse qu'un paquet de clopes et y pourra faire des films avec sinon y va pas nous lâcher avec ça.

    C'est un collectif photo b... de m...  sans déc... Est ce qu' Aurélien y fait des BD noir et blanc avec ses films, hein?
    Non mais roll

    rien ne bouge     que quelques grains de lumière     roulant au bord d'une paupière                   
    "Le bonjour et l'adieu"     Pierre-Albert Jourdan

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